unvfcfs-grants ohchr.org

OHCHR - eGrants Management System

The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture was established by General Assembly resolution 36151 of 16 December 1981 to receive voluntary contributions from Governments, organizations and individuals. The Fund extends financial support to non-governmental organizations which provide humanitarian, psychological, medical, social, legal and economic assistance to victims of torture and members of their families. Grant applications should relate to projects which provide medical, psychological, so


This web page unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org currently has an average traffic classification of zero (the smaller the better). We have probed two pages inside the site unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org and found one website linking to unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org.
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Escravo, nem pensar! - Programa de prevenção ao trabalho escravo

Escravo, nem pensar! Escravo, nem pensar! Assistência Social discute trabalho infantil. Projeto de prevenção ao trabalho escravo será implementado na rede estadual de ensino do Tocantins. Escravo, nem pensar! Terá segunda etapa no Maranhão em 2018. Como abordar o tema do trabalho escravo na escola? Quem são os migrantes no Brasil hoje? Baixe o material informativo. Como combatemos o trabalho escravo. Formação de educadores e lideranças populares. Produção e distribuição de material didático.


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I detected that a single root page on unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org took one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one milliseconds to stream. I detected a SSL certificate, so in conclusion our web crawlers consider unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org secure.
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OHCHR - eGrants Management System


The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture was established by General Assembly resolution 36151 of 16 December 1981 to receive voluntary contributions from Governments, organizations and individuals. The Fund extends financial support to non-governmental organizations which provide humanitarian, psychological, medical, social, legal and economic assistance to victims of torture and members of their families. Grant applications should relate to projects which provide medical, psychological, so


This web page unvfcfs-grants.ohchr.org states the following, "Welcome to OHCHR eGrants Online System." Our analyzers viewed that the website also stated " Before you start the registration process." The Website also said " You will then receive an e-mail confirming your registration, providing you with a username and a password and giving you instructions on how to proceed with the application process. List of mandatory documents for registration. A copy of the valid legal certificate of the non-profit organization. The statutes of the organization. Three most recent bank statements." The website's header had OHCHR as the most important search term. It is followed by United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and ITU which isn't as ranked as highly as OHCHR. The next words they used was Sana Ather. Khurram Nazir was included but might not be understood by web engines.


As condições de trabalho no setor sucroalcooleiro

As condições de trabalho no setor sucroalcooleiro. Condições de trabalho nos canaviais. Nas lavouras de cana-de-açúcar da região Nordeste, a colheita mecanizada é dificultada por conta do relevo montanhoso. Por isso, ainda predominam os cortadores manuais. Em 2011, o MTE libertou 275 indígenas dentre um grupo de mais de 800 trabalhadores, que se encontravam em situação de trabalho escravo em Naviraí.

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